Asbestos is a natural mineral that has been used in construction and other industries for centuries because of its strength, fire-resistance, and insulation properties. Unfortunately, it has also been linked to a number of serious health conditions, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. As a result, asbestos is now heavily regulated by governments around the world. In Canada, asbestos regulation is the responsibility of both the federal and provincial governments.

At the federal level, the Canadian government has implemented a number of measures to reduce the amount of asbestos used in construction and other industries. In 2018, the Canadian government announced a ban on the use, manufacture, and import of asbestos and asbestos-containing products. This ban applies to all products, including building materials, automotive parts, and consumer products. The government has also established safety standards for the handling and disposal of asbestos, as well as for the testing of products for asbestos content.

At the provincial level, governments have also implemented measures to reduce the amount of asbestos used in their jurisdictions. Each province has its own set of regulations and policies regarding the use of asbestos. Most provinces have banned the use of asbestos in construction, while some have also implemented bans on its use in automotive parts and consumer products. Additionally, some provinces have established safety standards for the handling and disposal of asbestos, as well as for the testing of products for asbestos content.

Overall, the Canadian government is taking an active role in regulating the use of asbestos in order to protect the health and safety of its citizens. By banning the use of asbestos and establishing safety standards for its handling and disposal, the government is helping to reduce the risk of exposure to this dangerous mineral.